Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Keep on Working on It

Blogger says my last post was 5 days ago.

So Imma gonna let you know what I've been doing.

A whole lot of work over the weekend... But don't worry.

I've still been pushing it workout wise.

Continuing with my daily workouts... which means that I have been working out fairly consistently ... maybe 4-5 times in the past week.

Woot woot.

I know it can be hard to keep on it, but first week is a lot of work trying to see how working on myself fits into my sort of too flexible packed schedule.

How do you figure out when/how much to work out?

Friday, 16 August 2013

Day 3 - Abs... and a world of pain

Day 3 Core workout completed.

Ouch I'm sore eveywhere...

and my favorite maintaining buddy is begging to be taken out for a VERY early AM walk.. and she is being VERy insistent on it.

today... already gearing myself up for a 12 hour shift and what looks to be an intense Cardio work out.


Carry On... and on...

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Sore Ties


My first workout in 1 month ...

Oh my gosh getting back on the saddle leads to a sore bumbum.

But it's not my bum that's sore so much as my inner ties. ;)

Moving my legs hurt... with each step I wonder if it's the action of pulling them apart with my quads that hurts my inner thighs... or is it the action of using the inner thighs to pull them together ... and each step contains both these actions...


This pain means 2 things.

1. I should work out to warm up my muscles again so I can stretch without hurting myself
2. I should post my Stretch Chat.

Currently in stages of editing.

Stretch Chat coming soon :)

Monday, 12 August 2013

Missing OOTDs

You know what I don't have in my apartment?

A full length mirror...

This means no OOTDs (Outfit of the Day) until I hang one up.

But in the meantime:

I will be trying to post motivational videos as well as workout breakdowns of what I am trying to do

Lets hope I keep up with it. :)

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Tree Top Trekking

This past weekend I had the opportunity to got tree-top trekking.

Where I had the chance to walk on tight ropes and obstacles up in Ontario's tree canopy.

A couple of things you should know about me:

I hate that "weightless" feeling. HATE it. I like my feet on the floor. On ground.

So with a lot of apprehension... away I went.

First an orientation about how to work the harness and how to stay safe up in the tree tops.

Then up into the tree canopy.

In spite of my apprehension, and my lack of confidence in just "letting go" for the ziplines...
It was a fun way to spend the afternoon.

I spent a lot of time not looking down as a conscious decision.

The next day... I had some sore lats and sore deltoids.

I would totally do it again... and may look into rock climbing/bouldering in my area.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

I guess this time is as good as any...

I have a pretty good history of being in shape.

I was REALLY into dancing as a little girl. Luckily I had a fast metabolism and little bones that helped me stay competitive and the correct proportions to be somewhat successful at ballet.

However, I am approaching my... 30s (eeps!) and while I have kept up with exercise, diet and wellness... I can feel myself slipping.

I'm starting this blog to chronicle regular exercise, and a regular healthy diet in my life.


and here we go!